Long Term Illness
Chronic illness can have significant financial and emotional consequences. Here’s how we can help.
- If we are involved prior to the diagnosis or event, we can include the possibility of chronic illness in cash flow projections and financial planning to help identify gaps in benefits or resources. We can assess a variety of financial impacts, such as increased medical expenses, loss of income, travel costs, and modifications that may be needed for your home, or assisted living needs - just to name a few.
- We will coordinate for a review of your existing insurance policies with one of our insurance partners and help identify any adjustments needed to current coverage and evaluate any quotes for new policies.
- If the diagnosis is terminal, we can consider whether cashing out of life insurance or accelerating any of the death benefits is a viable option. We can also review whether you and family members are entitled to benefits under the Family Medical Leave Act.
- We will routinely review your beneficiary designations and collaborate with your attorneys to ensure your legal documents and estate plan are current and reflects your wishes. When you have identified the people you will designate for the important roles within your estate plan, we can help prepare them for the duties they may be called to do.
- Family members who may be required to become caregivers will be impacted too. We believe it is important to understand their situations as well. We can facilitate family meetings and travel to your home or assisted living facility for our review meetings to ease any inconveniences that may come with commuting.
- Sometimes we have other client families who may be experiencing the same disability or illness. We have had success in making introductions so our clients can deepen their connections with others facing similar circumstances.